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Author Title Folder Created
Lee W Spring Falls

The best time to see water falls is Spring when snows are melting, leaves are coming, and wild flowers are blooming.

Lee's Collections 07-May-2006
gravel_gerttie wheeler spring fern

spring fern

1st upload 17-Mar-2010
Angelo Gargano Spring Flower

Taken with E-30 plus 50-200 + 1.4 ext.

AVG's Phot's 10-May-2011
Sergey Green Spring Flowers sngreen 12-Apr-2006
Robert Melnyk Spring Flowers

Growing wild in the forest.

Bob M's 03-Jun-2007
Hans Gerlich sPrInG gRafFiTy I H Gerlich 01-Apr-2012
Hans Gerlich sPrInG gRafFiTy II H Gerlich 01-Apr-2012
Pekka Nihtinen Spring Harvest

Seasonīs first harvest of green Huangshan maofeng tea freshly picked and panfired. You can see the large wok-like iron pan behind the glass.

Common area 20-Jun-2010
Ian Reed Spring has spung

This was taken in the spring of 2005.

Ians Photos 05-Mar-2006
Karen Jack Spring has Unsprung

A little Dipper seeming to enjoy the later Winter spell we're getting.

Fav Bird Shots 22-Mar-2008