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Author Title Folder Created
bank olympus Spider again 2

in thailand.

hottoclick 09-Mar-2009
bank olympus Spider again 3

in thailand

hottoclick 09-Mar-2009
Fonzy - Spider and Butterfly

This spider grabbed a butterfly .

My Macro 2006 09-Sep-2005
Ricardo Rico Spider and shadow Ricardo R. Rico 30-May-2007
Fonzy - Spider collection (2) My Macro 2006 31-Aug-2005
Bruno Nardin spider details BNMacro2006-2007 25-Aug-2007
Ian Reed Spider eating lighthouse ...... lol

I was taking some sunset photos of South Stack Lighthouse on Anglesey, after most of the light had vanished I noticed this spider on its web, so thought I would do a candid shot of it with the lighthouse. I used a diffused torch to light it, hope you like.... (this is an updated version with the contrast and colours on the spider enhanced )...

Close Ups 22-Feb-2006
Greg Mennegar Spider on my back porch

Spider on my back porch.

Sigma 105MM 2.8 Macro Lens 03-Oct-2008
Joe Saladino Spider on orange

Jumping spider on an orange.

Critters 02-Jan-2008
Randall Beaudin Spider Plant

Looking at our many Spider plants around the house they reminded me of flying creatures.

RanD'Art 25-May-2011