The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Mike Simon SNEAK THIEF MS photos 17-May-2007
Paul Yeoman Sneaky visitor

Caught at the back door.

The Beauty that is Scotland 22-Feb-2011
Fonzy - Snipe Shot this bird at a distance from about +100metres.
Had to screw the ISO up to get a faster shutter speed but that resulted again in lots of noise.
Did some noise reduction hope it still an exceptable image ...
My Birds 2007 10-Apr-2007
Hans Gerlich Snipe & Oystercatcher H Gerlich 10-Apr-2007
Randall Beaudin Snow

Snow for Christmas.

RanD'Art 21-Dec-2005
Joe Saladino Snow at night

Night shot taken about 9pm. Light source was a yard light mounted on a telephone pole to the left of the image. Used tripod

Photos 17-Feb-2010
Chris Can Snow covered hortensia

Making pictures to get a feeling with the e620.

Abitofeverything 03-Jan-2010
Bob Doucette Snow Covered Mt Washington

The structure at the top is the weather station that is manned year round.

Bob Doucette 16-Dec-2007
Karen Jack Snow Dog

Little legs and deep snow don't go together!

Fav Dogs 27-Mar-2008
jim stirling snow drops jan 2005 jim from scotland 08-Feb-2005