The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Vito Nigro Show me Vito Picture 03-Jul-2005
Sinisa Demer Show must go on MOJ 22-Dec-2006
Kerland Elder Showcase Display

Showcase display in one of Manhattan's many fashionable stores 5th ave.

rasputtin 25-Dec-2004
Igal Kerbes shower Documents 22-Jan-2006
Fonzy - Shower in the rain

She or he was enjoying the rain...

My Birds 2005 05-Jun-2005
Fonzy - Showing off

This Peacock was realy showing off when I started to make pictures. A very understanding model....;-)

My Birds 2005 02-Jun-2005
Shany K. Showing Off The Pink

This was taken at the botanical gardens.

Shany's 14-Nov-2007
Raul Rodriguez Shrimp Boats

I took this photo while trying to find a place to fish from, the colors of the boats caught my attention

BoatsandThings 02-Apr-2006
Kevin Dude Shrimp Plant Bloom

This is a bloom I came across at the Lamberton Conservatory at Highland Park. The little tag said it's called a shrimp plant. The lens used is an OM 55mm f1.2 on short extension tubes.

My Flowershots 29-Apr-2008
Nikolai Y Shugar Pics 10-Apr-2008