The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Stephane Dujourdy Sentinel Animals 19-Sep-2005
Ken Thomas Sentinel Ken's Images 21-Nov-2012
Torvald Bie Sentry box

Cormorants on watch. The photo should have been sharper, but it is not an easy task to use a telephoto lens in a small boat.

North of the Arctic Circle 27-Aug-2006
Donald Bryant Sepia Apples

Sepia rendering of a shot from a bin of apples.

Effects 15-Apr-2006
Jim Sabatke Sepia Behind Wire

Building behind wire

Jim's Aushwitz 31-Mar-2006
Adam Kozik Sepia-streaked Exodus

The surface of chicken soup...

People and their creations 29-Nov-2011
Pekka Nihtinen September at Lake Saimaa 1 Common area 27-Sep-2006
Pekka Nihtinen September at Lake Saimaa 2 Common area 27-Sep-2006
Pekka Nihtinen September at Lake Saimaa 3 Common area 27-Sep-2006
Gabriele Swanson september monarch Gaby's E 500 shots 16-Sep-2007