The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
dee vee Self service

San Jose Historic Site

The Bay Area 03-Sep-2013
Joe Saladino Self winding

Macro of old self winding wristwatch movement

DigitalH 05-Mar-2007
Fabio Pegasus Self-portrait sensazioni 04-Jan-2005
Olav Agnar Frogner Self-portrait

Snorkelling at the shore of Phuket.

water... 06-Apr-2009
Ingrid Matschke Semaphore Jetty in a storm

This was taken at 9am in the morning during a storm which had winds of over 100 km/hr. It was so windy I could hardly stand up to take the shot. As you can see, winter has started here in South Australia.

Ingrid Matschke 04-Jun-2007
Ingrid Matschke Semaphore Rd Sunset

This shot was taken in a hurry through the car windscreen while waiting at a train crossing (just before the train passed).

Ingrid Matschke 12-Apr-2007
James Tang Sematan Beach Easternbug 18-Oct-2006
Ram?n Palomo Semi-desertic landscape

This image was taken in the Southeast of Spain, where climate is dry and hot.

Assorted images 26-Jul-2005
Hans Gerlich Sempervivum H Gerlich 24-Jun-2006
Nyal Cammack Senor Sauce

This is Niccy's buddy Ozzie, also known as Sauce. He's a Chihuahua / Jack Russell mix and exactly opposite of what you might think! Not wound up and hyper at all, he's more of a Little Lord Fauntleroy!

NCammack Photos 26-Aug-2011