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Author Title Folder Created
Ken Thomas Seed Head of Dandeliion

Somewhat hackneyed but still beautiful.

Ken's Images 24-Jul-2014
duncan mackie seed pod 4/3 adaptor test

so my cheapy 4/3 chinese adaptor arrives in the post - despite the weather and a lack of subjects I can't resist!

delving into the 'old bag' out comes a Tamron 80-210 Macro and a couple of minutes later a 2x convertor surfaces too...........

certainly hasn't disappointed me - OK inc postage I spent ?12 ($20) but for this lens alone ;O)

owl's images 25-Jan-2007
Allen Barth seed pods

Seed pods on a tree

Allen B 06-Mar-2010
manuel sousa Seeds 27-Oct-2006
Hans Koren seeing a tree trough the forrest working with E 300 23-Apr-2006
Karen Jack Seeing Red

A gorgeous Red Squirrel pinching some of the birds peanuts; love the big bushy tail!

Fav Wildlife 23-Jun-2007
Bruce Thomas Seeing Red...

Olympus E-510 converted to full time Infrared images...

Bruce Thomas 29-May-2012
Karen Jack Seeing Stars

A beautiful Starling shining in the sun.

Fav Bird Shots 03-Mar-2007
Olav Agnar Frogner Seeking refuge in the harbour..

March is the month between winter and spring, but maybe we first must have a new ice age? This is from my town of birth named: "Grimstad" which is to be found in the southeastern area of Norway...

Winter blues... 06-Mar-2011
Cassius Klay Seemingly endless.. Cassius natuurfoto's 05-Dec-2010