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Author Title Folder Created
Udo Altmann Schw?bisch Hall - Townhall and Michaelskirche Schwäbisch Hall 11-Aug-2005
Christopher Ashworth Scooby dooby dooo!!!!

My new toy at the dealership. Shot with an E-3.

Common area 01-Feb-2009
Fons van Swaal Scorpion-Fly OM-D E-M1 2016 10-Jun-2016

Took this shot with Olympus ED 50-200mm + Extension tube 30mm ...

2010 25-Jun-2010
tom neal Scorpionweed (Phacelia distans)

We have been having record rainfall out here in the desert Southwest (CA, USA). As a result, the wildflower bloom has been the most intense in recent memory.

I'd like to share a few of my favorite shots (so far) of some of the flora and fauna that have colored our normally stark, beige desert into a kaleidoscope of colors!

This is a very small flower with an unusual spiral budding pattern, hence the common name: scorpionweed (Phacelia distans).

comments welcome.



Sir_Toejam's Macros 27-Feb-2005
Jens Birch Scotched Terrier Jens' Action shots 15-Aug-2006
David Burrows Scott monument

The Walter Scott Monument on Princes Street, Edinburgh. At first I was annoyed with all the people getting in the way but when I compared this shot to one from the other side with no people, I like this one more, adds some scale to it :)

David's pics 10-Aug-2006
Peter French Scottish Autumn Loch

Taken by my wife Karen, her first attempt near our home in Aberdeenshire, Northern Scotland.

Peter's Landscape 09-Oct-2006
Peter French Scottish Sunset

Sunset taken from the rear of my garden.

Peter French 29-Aug-2006
brodie dugger Scout

Scout. taken with a e-520 and 70-300 lens. Art filter applied in PSP and a little clean up.

My Best 01-Apr-2010