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Author Title Folder Created
Adam Kozik Scarlet Rejuvenation Natura 10-Jan-2012
Alper Tecer Scene in B&W My Photography 15-May-2005
Udo Altmann Scenery on the Great Stairs

This is part of the scenery on the great stairs on which the open air theatre of Schw?bisch Hall takes place. It's a real challenge for actors to perform on these stairs!

Schwäbisch Hall 16-Aug-2005
Pekka Nihtinen Scenes from Nuuksio Common area 13-Aug-2009
Pekka Nihtinen Scenes of January

A somewhat stereotypical winter "postcard" scenery, but with absolutely minimal postprocessing and without any tricks and shot even without tripod this shows the nature exactly as it was that day at that moment. Winter at these latitudes is quite long, but here on the shores of Gulf of Finland there aren´t that many completely windless days and that beautiful frost is usually gone quite quickly. Shot only some 300 meters from my home.

Common area 01-Feb-2010
Pekka Nihtinen Scenes of January 2

Shades of grey and white with a hint of some light brown create a creamy misty pastel landscape.

Common area 01-Feb-2010
Pekka Nihtinen Scenes of January 3

Shots from my skiing trip in my neighbourhood in eastern Helsinki. No panorama - I just cropped the top and bottom to create a bit more interesting composition.

Common area 01-Feb-2010
Randall Beaudin Scenic # 015

Same day/ place as Scenic # 021

RanD'Art 14-Jan-2007
Randall Beaudin Scenic # 021

Golf Course, about 3 minutes from my house today.

RanD'Art 12-Jan-2007
Randall Beaudin Scenic 259 RanD'Art 19-Oct-2006