The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Neil Macleod Saskatchewan River bend Landscape_1 03-Apr-2010
Neil Macleod Saskatchewan River Clifs natur 05-Jun-2009
Neil Macleod Saskatchewan River Ice Bergs Landscape_1 05-Dec-2009
Neil Macleod Saskatchewan River Winter Tones Landscape_1 17-Jan-2010
Carlos Perucca Saskatoon skyline

Saskatoon today at 8:00, temperature: -19C, windchill: -29C

Carlito's way 26-Jan-2008
Carlos Perucca Saskatoon skyline at dawn

Saskatoon, SK at dawn

Carlito's way 31-Mar-2008
paul missall Saturation Paul's World 20-Nov-2013
Bruce Thomas Saturday morning at Cheyenne Canyon Creek

Infrared R-72 on the Olympus C-2020Z camera

Bruce Thomas 21-Jul-2007
Bob Anderson Saturn

No Laughing, but this is my first attempt at astrophotography with my E-500 not an easy focusing job, but I thought ya'll might like it.

Bob's Shots 01-Mar-2008
Eben Gay Saturn and its moons

Combined "super HDR" images of Saturn shot at 1/15th second and its moons shot at 20 seconds. Both at ISO-200. Lens is a Celestron 8" Edge HD telescope. Left to right: Titan, Tethys, Saturn, Dione, Enceladus, Rhea

Photos 17-Aug-2020