The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Bob Doucette Rocky Shore

Lobster boat off the shore in Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Bob Doucette 18-Jul-2007
Pekka Nihtinen Rocky Shore (2)

Scene from the Gulf of Finland. ISO 1000 was used by a sheer accident.

Common area 19-Jan-2009
Robert Melnyk Rocky Shoreline

A cool misty day. Very little population at Point No Point, Vancouver Island, British Columbia Canada

Bob M's 04-Jul-2007
Reece Werenka Rocky Waterfall

Hiked up three waterfalls in kananaskis called Troll Falls Blended two images together for proper exposure

0 - E-3 Examples 20-May-2008
Bill Hanks RockyStream Bill Hanks 16-Aug-2005
juliette gribnau Rode Ogentroost

a parasite plant; living on cloaver. This plant has become very rare in The Netherlands, so it is protected by Law ( Rode Lijst means : Red List of endangered species)

Flowers-Bloemen 27-Jul-2014
Sergio Di Giovanni Rodeo Pentro Some photos 22-Aug-2005
Jim Sabatke Rodin #1 - Blurred

Blurred background as comments suggested. Feedback on the amount and quality of blurring is most welcome.

Jim's Denmark, Poland and Slovakia 21-Feb-2006
Jim Sabatke Rodin #2 Jim's Denmark, Poland and Slovakia 20-Feb-2006
Jim Sabatke Rodin #3 - Blurred

A redo of Rodin #3. Changes include a blurred background and a vignette to highlight the statue.

Again, I'd love comments to find out if you think this is an effective and/or artistic treatment of the subject.

Jim's Denmark, Poland and Slovakia 21-Feb-2006