The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Adolfo Hernandez revolution parade monterrey 19-Dec-2005
Hans Gerlich RGB Colours H Gerlich 27-Nov-2006
Heinz Brenner Rhapsody in London

A piano player close to the London Eye. My first C-7070 photo shooting weekend.

Heinz Brenner 03-May-2005
Ken Thomas Rhiannon in Silhouette

Processed by simply playing with levels, contrast and tint in in the Colour Tools available in Apple Preview on my iMac. These few simple tools even allowed me to lose the very distracting complex background. The Jupiter 9 was wide open at f/2.0. Light levels were quite low - indoors at 1640 on Christmas day with the main light source being the daylight through French Windows behind the subject. Exposure spot-metered on the subjects face.

Ken's Images 26-Dec-2012
Kerland Elder Rhinoceros rasputtin 19-Dec-2004
Christopher Ashworth Rhodedendron

Mom's flowers in parents backyard

Common area 07-Jun-2005
Mike Bywater Rhododendron-den

Underneath all the flowers we find the weird branches and the sort of den beloved by children!

Mike Bywater's Pics 02-Oct-2015
Greg Mennegar Rhythm Fire

Shot with the e-620 - no flash, ISO 2000. Applied Lightroom noise removal tools, no additional noise reduction software used.

e-620 06-Dec-2009
Dave Hall Rialto Bridge Venice

A night time shot of this famous bridge.

Venice 16-Nov-2007
Dave Hall Rialto Bridge Venice (2) Venice 18-Nov-2007