The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Dave Hall Red Leaf

spotted this in the undergrowth, a weed leaf.

David's flower photographs 27-Aug-2005
Rick Speck Red Leaf E-500 shots 22-Nov-2005
Sergey Green Red leaves sngreen 23-Oct-2006
Andreas Hauper Red Lily

Maximum aperture to get just the details I wanted.

E-410 photos 20-Apr-2008
Chris Galbraith Red Man

July 4 concert. Giant air character.

Stadium of Fire 07-Jul-2005
Robert Skinner Red Mites alice 31-Jul-2005
Igal Kerbes red on white Documents 02-Apr-2006
Randall Beaudin Red Pepper # 406

Cooking with peppers last night and just had to shoot this little bit of the end.

RanD'Art 10-Dec-2006
Sergey Green Red Phone Booths sngreen 15-Sep-2005
Fonzy - Red Robin Finally a shot of the Robin, to bad the ISO 800 was on from a test a day before.
Had to use a lot of noise reduction to get is good an of to show you.
Hope you like it.....
My Birds 2006 20-Mar-2006