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Author Title Folder Created
Brian Jacobs Red Boots Brian J. 29-Sep-2005
Michael Da Re Red Boots

People of the rodeo world

People at Work 24-Nov-2008
syed noman Red Bridge PATJHAR 24-Jun-2007
syed noman Red Bridge2 PATJHAR 24-Jun-2007
dee vee Red Canyons

Red Rock State Park

The West 07-Oct-2013
Fonzy - Red Crested Diving Duck After making images of a Coot and a Mandarin I think this duck belongs also in that series....
BTW: This image was shot at ISO 50 ,I found a hack for the ISO settings (50-3200) and forget to put it back to the regular position...
My Birds 2007 23-Apr-2007
Peter Betts Red Door with Crab Apples

Loft door at road level to a barn/shed. Crab apple tree hangs in front from weight of fall fruit.

PRB Images 07-Sep-2008
Bruno Nardin red dragon BNMacro 10-Aug-2006
Rina Kupfer Red Dragon

This was taken at The Magic of Lanterns in the Botanical Gardens in Montreal, this is my first year there. My b/f Tony took me this year for the first time and I was amazed from the colors and the beauty there.

It look very Romantic and amazing there!!!

Rina's 05-Oct-2007
Fonzy - Red Dragonfly

This little Dragonfly just 5 cm (2 inch) long had a fight I guess...look at the damage wings..

My Insects 2006 20-Sep-2006