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Author Title Folder Created
Geoff Stow PYN-33R Geoff's 30-Mar-2006
dee vee Pyramid

Lake Powell

Spring in the Southwest 30-Jun-2013
Pavel Turbanov Pyramids at night

Pyramyds at night is very beautifull. Picture taken from 11 floor of the big industrial building.

Device maker: OLYMPUS CORPORATION Device model: C5060WZ ISO level: 250 Compression: Uncompressed Sharpness: Normal Exposure time: 8,00s White balance: Default

Egypt Travel 04-Apr-2005
kirsty bushell Quack Quack Common area 13-Nov-2006
kirsty bushell Quackers Common area 13-Nov-2006
Christopher Ashworth Quadrophenia

Grandpa-Sir tries the kids new scooter and the kids have a long wait for a turn.

Common area 08-Oct-2006
Bob Doucette Quaker Ridge Bob Doucette 14-Feb-2005
Grant Sherman Quarry Pond Lundy 03-Mar-2006
Mike Babson Quarry Workings

Cwmorthin, Snowdonia. The old chapel can be seen in the centre right.

MikeB pictures 21-Oct-2007
Rich Campbell Quarter and Pussy Willow

First shot with new Raynox Super Macro Lens.

Mantis 28-Oct-2004