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Author Title Folder Created
Pedro Afonso Pussycat Pedro Afonso & E500 18-Sep-2006
Karen Jack Put in Your Place

An adult Mute Swan putting one of her youngsters in its place.

Fav Bird Shots 09-Apr-2007
Adrie Hubregtsen Put your High Heels on Adrie-OM 25-Jul-2013
Pekka Nihtinen Puxian and Golden Pavilion

Statue of boddhisatva Puxian (Samantabhadra) and Golden Pavilion on top of Emei mountain 3000m above sealevel.

Common area 14-Dec-2012
Pekka Nihtinen Puxian and Golden Pavilion 2

Location: 3000m above sea level on top of Emeishan in Sichuan.

Common area 14-Dec-2012
Pekka Nihtinen Puxian Statue on Mount Emei Common area 14-Dec-2012
Rina Kupfer Puzzle in the water Rina's 12-Nov-2007
Rina Kupfer PVM Rina's 20-Jul-2008
Olav Agnar Frogner Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus)

The Pygmy Cormorant is the smallest of the three European cormorants. Pygmy Cormorant is a species of warm climates, mainly restricted to lowland freshwater and brackish habitats. It has been recorded in: open water with sizeable trees in the proximity; fresh or brackish marshes with thick reedbeds; open water or slow-flowing fresh water, including oxbows, backwaters, ricefields, swamps and flooded fields where fish can be easily caught in shallow water; densely vegetated areas with trees, bushes and even small floating islets of dead plants. Pair-bonding activity takes place in the wintering areas, and eggs are eventually laid between the end of March and early July. Pygmy Cormorants breed in colonies, often with other species (cormorants, herons, Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia, Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus, etc.). Nests are in dense trees or bushes on medium to high branches or in thick reedbeds 1-1.5 m above water-level. The species breeds in south-east Europe (east from Italy), Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzebekistan, and winters primarily in Albania, Greece, the Balkan states, Turkey, Cyprus, Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan and also Israel, Bulgaria, Romania and Syria.

Danube Delta 16-Oct-2011
Neil Macleod Pygmy Owl Birds_1 07-Feb-2010