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Author Title Folder Created
Chris Galbraith Pronghorn

Pronghorn Antelope shot in Billings, Montana. These animals are allowed to roam free and this one (along with about 45 others) was at a public school.

chrishg 11-Aug-2005
Q Myers Pronghorn on the run

Pronghorn antelope, the fastest land animal in North America, run along side Steens Mountain in Oregon.

Aerial 18-Aug-2005
nick pena prospect pond Nick P. e-500 03-Jun-2008
Hans Koren Protected mill working with E 300 31-Dec-2007
Dave Hamlin Protecting The Harbor

Old canons mounted in the waterfront park in Bar Harbor, Maine 11/12/05.....9:33am

0- Maine, USA by Dave Hamlin 21-Nov-2005
Dave Hall Protective Male.

As I photographed the female the male came alongside as if to protect her.

Dave Hall's bird photographs. 09-Apr-2012
nick pena Proud

July 4th city park

Nick P. e-500 23-Feb-2008
Olav Agnar Frogner Proud Documents 20-Jan-2009
Torvald Bie Proud donkey owner Photos 03-Aug-2007
Ole Rodtnes Proud for loss of tooth

He believes that now, he is on the path to be an adult

The World seen by OR 18-Oct-2007