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Author Title Folder Created
juliette gribnau Predator shield-bug

a shieldbug that differs a bit from the Coreus marginator; specially the antenna's and the mouth.

my macro's 08-Aug-2014
Dave Hall Preening macaw Dave Hall's bird photographs. 05-Sep-2005
Ivo Spohr Pregnant

Picture of my wife in May 2004, 4 month pregnant

Ivo Spohr 26-Sep-2004
Kim Guarnaccia Prehistoric

A giant turtle at the Oregon State Fair.

Kim Guarnaccia 13-Oct-2004
Joe Saladino Prelude to metamorphosis

Polyphemus moth larva

Animals 07-Jul-2005
Rocco Zoric Prema Vocnom trgu Croatia 16-Nov-2011
Jens Birch Prepared for Dinner This is an interesting kingfisher picture.

The bird has spotted a fish in the water and is prepared to dive within a split second. You can see how it has lowered its head-profile by streamlining its feathers. This allows it to easier penetrate the water due to less resistance and less boyancy.

Cheers, Jens
Jens' Wildlife 03-Feb-2006
Phil Battersby Preparing the Locomotive

The crew attend to the needs of the locomotive before making their next trip.

Recent Photos 02-Jul-2005
Tom Barry Presidio la Bahia

Presidio la Bahia, built in 1749, near Goliad, TX.

Architechture_1 04-Dec-2011
Neal Friedenthal Presto

Paul Prestopino, guitar, banjo, mandolin, ect. player for Peter, Paul and Mary.

Olympus "e" images 18-Aug-2010