The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
ole sørensen prædkestol fra holbæk alter fra holbæk 03-Nov-2011
Michael Wollen pre flight stretch

I was spooking him so he flew off, I can never quite believe the sound of the Herons wings against the air as they launch.

Phoenix 04-Mar-2009
Bruce Thomas Pre-Dawn Glow

Olympus C-7070 w/TC-17 - Colorado Springs, Saturday Morning 09/15/07

Bruce Thomas 15-Sep-2007
James Wang Pre-sunrise Random 27-Feb-2010
Antonio R. Migrontes Preciosa Migrontes E-500 28-Jul-2007
Karen Jack Precious

A beautiful young Swan in its prime.

Fav Bird Shots 09-Apr-2007
dee vee Precipice Grand Canyon

Spring in the Southwest 30-Jun-2013
Nikolai Y Predator Pics 13-Sep-2008
Lee W Predator and Prey

A ladybug is going after a small fly.

Lee's Collections 25-Jun-2007
Ken Thomas Predator in Flight Ken's Images 21-Sep-2007