The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Tim Walter Portrait Tim Walter's photo's 12-Jan-2009
Christopher Ashworth Portrait

A photo taken after sunset by failing light. Some Slow Flash added.

Common area 29-Apr-2010
Hans Gerlich portrait ladybug H Gerlich 02-May-2006
Hans Koren portrait of a berbermonkey working with E 300 20-Sep-2006
David Underwood Portrait of a bug 1 Dave Underwood's photos 16-Oct-2014
duncan mackie portrait of a canada goose owl's images 21-Jan-2007
Kerland Elder Portrait Of A Colobus Monkey

These monkey's are found in Africa and love sun bathing all day in the trees.

rasputtin 25-Jun-2005
Sergio Di Giovanni Portrait of a grandmother Some photos 23-Oct-2005
Matthew Parsons Portrait of a lady

Shot in the backyard - next time I will have the subject stand further away from the trees/leaves in the background to get a greater degree of blur. changed to Sepia with Oly Camedia.

8080WZ shots 28-Sep-2004
Pekka Nihtinen Portrait of a lama Animals 27-Sep-2012