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Author Title Folder Created
jean marois Polination

Just a bee visiting our garden!

bugs and such 09-Jun-2010
Jim Sabatke Polish boy asleep on train

Polish friend's son asleep as the world goes by.

Jim's Denmark, Poland and Slovakia 25-Jan-2006
Jim Sabatke Polish Farmer on Horse Cart

He drove by while waiting for a bus.

Jim's Denmark, Poland and Slovakia 22-Jan-2006
Jim Sabatke Polish Poplars

Most of the trees had lost their color, but I ran into this stand of poplars. The corner of the roof is not that interesting in the shot, but I thought it would ruin the perspective to crop it out.

I would really like opinions on this.

Jim's Denmark, Poland and Slovakia 22-Jan-2006
Rachel Kneubuhler Polished and ready to hit the road Rachel's bits and pieces 28-Jun-2008
Kevin Dude Pollen

Closeup of a yellow tulip taken with my Olympus OM 65-200mm at the Ellwanger Garden in Rochester, NY

My Flowershots 13-May-2008
Ken Thomas Pollination

Severe crop of 1228 x 1240pixels from image 3648 x 2736 pixels.

Ken's Images 25-Sep-2007
Louis Fry Pollination

Prickly pear cactus is abundant in the Texas Hill Country and blooms in the month of May. Insects practically drown themselves in the pollen.

Louis Fry 17-May-2013
Farhad Jafarpour Pollution C-8080 29-Mar-2005
Natasha SS POMEGRANATE OlympusLover NSS 29-Nov-2006