See below for an in-depth discussion
of the results and the test method.
After purchasing the Olympus 8080 in
July 2004 I faced the problem of getting a second battery without
paying the ridicolously high prices Olympus is charging for its BLM-1
battery (70 Euro or more in August 2004 in Germany). After hearing
positive reports I ordered two 3rd party BLM-1 batteries from an ebay
seller in Hong Kong. The cost per battery was US $5.49 per battery and
for the two
batteries I ordered I payed a total of US $17 including shipping. The
batteries arrived in 10 days. To get a more accurate idea of how long
the 3rd party batteries last
with respect to the original Olympus one, I recently ran a test.
Test configuration and procedure
Before the test each battery was discharged completely and then fully
recharged. The battery was then loaded with two 6.8 Ohm resistors -
total resistance
was 13.8 Ohm. The drain current was therefore a bit over 0.5 Ampere on
average. This is a high current - on average a camera like the Olympus
8080 for instance drains around 0.2 Ampere.
With this load it took between 80 and 140 minutes to completely
discharge the batteries. Since I didn't have an A/D converter with a
computer interface, to measure the voltages over time I used
a standard digital multimeter and took automatically photos of it every
seconds using a camera control software:
If you have a look again at the
discharge curves, you will note that the voltage is not constant, and
over a large period of time drops by about 10 mV per minute. Below 6.5
Volt the battery voltage collapses very rapidly (in less than 10
minutes) and the beginning of the steep drop region is at about 6.6 -
6.7 Volt.